Level of Expectations
We’ve talked at length about some of the commonly-reported benefits of energy healing, both on the Homepage and on What Are the Benefits.
However, we need to keep things real by presenting the flip-side:
Although some clients have experienced seemingly miraculous changes, there is the occasional client that would tell us they didn’t notice any changes, during the session and in the subsequent days. (We also have a couple of clients that keep telling us they don’t feel anything, but keep coming back for more sessions while Clara and I can clearly see major changes in them. We love that our clients are so diverse – it keeps our work interesting.)
What we’re saying is that your mileage may vary. Please keep your expectations realistic and approach energy sessions with an attitude of “let’s keep our minds open and just see what will happen!”
No matter what, as our client you’ll be protected by our money back guarantee. We will never argue with you on whether results have been achieved or not. As long as you don’t feel that there’s been any positive change resulting from at least 3 sessions with us, we will issue a refund, period.
Booking the Session
The whole process starts when you ask us for a free energy scan. All you need to do is answer a couple of quick questions by filling out a request form, and we will do an energy scan for you and send you our findings, at no charge.
At that time, we will also let you know how many sessions we would suggest, whether the session(s) will comprise of reiki or biofield tuning or both, and provide a price quote.
You’ll be under zero obligation to agree to any sessions. We never hard-sell our services – we have faith that those that truly can benefit from our help, will be guided to us by the Universe one way or another.
If you do wish to proceed by booking a session, we will ask for payment to be made (we never ask clients to commit to more than one session at a time). We ask for payment ahead of time instead of afterwards, when the client is coming out of a session and should be relaxing. For more information on our services, fees, and payment methods please see Services & Fees.
We will agree on a date and time for the session. Most sessions take around 1-1.5 hours to complete, but some have taken longer. Just in case, we would ask that you set aside 2 hours for the session. If it turns out that we don’t finish on time (this has happened several times), we will continue the session on another day without extra charge.
We will also email you a standard waiver/permissions form you’ll need to read and sign, to acknowledge that you know what to expect and to grant permission for us to perform the session.
Right Before the Session
If we don’t have your completed waiver/permissions form yet, we can go over it together and have you sign it then.
We’ll remind you to go to the bathroom if you need to – although you can take bathroom breaks any time during the session as well.
We’ll also make sure you’re adequately hydrated – and if it’s an in-person session, we’ll be offering you water or tea.
Also, for an in-person session: If reiki will be involved, we’ll ask you whether you prefer to have physical contact or not – if not, then we can place our hands above your body instead of on your body, without any loss in effectiveness.
During the Session

For in-person sessions, we will ask you to make yourself comfortable on our massage table, which is lined with a soft clean blanket. We’ll also offer you a blanket for covering yourself in case you get cold.
For distance sessions, we will ask you to do something relaxing for the next 1-2 hours. You can sit or lie down or even walk around, meditate or read or even sleep. Setting your intention to receive and benefit from the energy we send will help greatly as well.
We’ll then start recording the session (at your permission), so that after the session you can play it back again and again to reap further benefits.
Clara and I will take a couple of minutes to close our eyes, quiet our hearts, ground ourselves to the earth, set the proper intentions, request for help from our angels and other spirit guides, and tap into our Higher-Selves / the Greater Consciousness.
Once we’re ready, we’ll proceed with the actual energy tune-up session.
Clients all have different experiences while receiving energy work, but here are some of the more common experiences reported:
- Feeling relaxed, peaceful, content.
- Physical sensations such as heat/coldness, tingliness, energy coursing through the body.
- Reduction/disappearance of physical pain.
- Emotions may arise as old emotional trauma or suppressed emotions are brought to the surface and released.
- Seeing mental pictures – these can be from memories, or are symbolic of past/current issues or situations.
You are welcomed to provide us with continual feedback on how you’re feeling and what you’re experiencing, during a session, although it’s not a must. Please rest assured that the energy will not cause any side effects (aside from the temporary detox symptoms described here). But by giving us feedback, we’ll be able to provide you with more support, e.g. send you a boost of loving energy if you’re feeling some sadness being released.
So what if you fall asleep during the session? No worries at all – this happens all the time. Some clients simply don’t get enough rest normally. Others just intuitively know that by “getting out of the way” they can “let their guard down” to allow the energy to clear out the resistance in them more easily.
As for us that are doing the energy tune-up – some things Clara and I have experienced while giving energy are:
- A client’s chakra that needs energy, sucking energy from us; or a chakra that needs to get rid of excess energy, purging it through us and into the ground.
- Physical sensations such as heat/coldness, tingliness, or even aches and pains that the client has that are sensed by us.
- Emotions in the client that we would often “tap into”. For example, I’ve been driven to tears by sadness I’ve sensed in clients. (I’ve since learned to avoid getting too empathetic with the client, so I can do my job more effectively.)
- Mental images of events that have happened to the client in the past.
As you can see, as energy workers we can tap into very personal feelings and information. This is why we observe a very strict privacy policy, where no information about any client will be discussed or shared with anyone (except between Clara and myself, and only to better serve the client) without written consent from the client.
After the Session
When we’re done, Clara and I will quickly sweep off any excess energy that may be clinging to us.
Then we will help you up (if you’re physically here) and give you a report of what we felt during the session (for distance sessions this will be sent through email, along with the video recording of the session).
We will ask that you remain rested for 15 minutes to allow things to settle and for your body and consciousness to “come back to reality” so to speak. For in-person sessions, we always ask clients to stay for 15 minutes after the session. You can enjoy some tea or water and draw cards out of our law of attraction or angel card decks.
After the 15 minutes, you’ll be free to go back to your normal life – until you request for your next session!
The Importance of Self-Care
Clara and I will always do all we can to remove existing energy blocks – but YOU are the only one that can stop creating new ones!
Sure we’d love for you to keep coming back to see us! But our ultimate wish is for you to take charge of your own life and happiness. It’s a group effort and you’ll still need to do most of the work – although we can make the process easier, we can’t live your life for you.
I decided to start a separate page on this topic – please click here.