
If you’re not living in joy, something is SERIOUSLY wrong.

All we ever want in life is to be happy.

We want to love, grow, achieve, reach our full potential.

And yet, happiness and fulfillment can seem so out of reach.

You work just as hard as everyone else.  But nothing seems to come easy.

Health issues.  Relationship drama. Financial issues. Etc. etc.

Leaving you stressed out, overwhelmed, frustrated. Even anxious and depressed.  

Root Causes of Life’s Problems

The main reason why your life is so full of issues and frustrations, is because there are unseen forces working against you.

Forces you may not even know exist.

They operate at an energetic level, weighing you down like anchors.

Leaving you spinning your wheels, unable to progress smoothly.

Forces That Are Holding You Back

Let’s see what you’re up against…

Force #1: Energy Blockages

Your physical body is just a part of you. The rest is energy.

If there are energy blockages, your energy cannot flow – which causes all kinds of physical and mental issues and other life challenges.

Force #2: Past-Life Programming

Examples of past-life programming:

-Feelings of guilt carried over from a past lifetime can cause you to subconsciously punish yourself – by sabotaging your current endeavours.

-If you were a priest or nun in a past lifetime who took vows of poverty, this can limit your prosperity in the current lifetime.

Force #3: Spirit Attachments

About 1 out of 5 people we check have attachments.  Most aren’t even aware.

The possessed person can experience health issues, develop drinking/drug addictions, even become depressed/suicidal.

Force #4: Soul Programming

Flaws or imperfections were built into every soul when it was created – including yours.

These flaws cause your soul to experience continuing pain, trouble, and sorrow for as long as they exist, lifetime after lifetime.

Force #5: Negative Thinking

Negative thinking can have devastating effects on your energy – creating energy blocks and attracting negative circumstances to your reality.

Having a “streak of bad luck”? Persistent negative thinking could be causing that.

How to Break These Forces

That last one – Negative Thinking – will mostly depend on you to change (although we can help!)

As for the other 4 forces: Energy manipulation techniques are required to eliminate them. This is where we – Clara and I (Amy) – come in.

You, myself and Clara – by working as a team, we can bust through these 5 forces to transform your life together!

The best part is that everything can be done remotely – no matter where in the world you are. Energy is not limited by distance.

Who “We” Are

Before going further – please allow me to introduce ourselves.  

Amy & Clara, Energy Workers

We are Amy & Clara, a.k.a. the Healing Duo.

We’re best friends, life partners, and energy workers.

We are brought together in this lifetime to fulfill our life’s purpose: To provide healing to as many people as we can – no matter where in the world they are.

Clara and I have performed hundreds of energy healing sessions to transform the lives of family, friends, and clients, and we’d be honored to do the same for YOU!

The Arrows in Our Quiver

Below are the tools we use to eliminate the forces that are weighing you down:

Tool #1: Spiritual Response Therapy

Effective Against:  Energy Blockages, Past-Life Programming, Soul Programming

We connect to your High Self, who identifies which blockages and programs need to be cleared, and then clears them at our request.

Tool #2:  Biofield Tuning

Effective Against:  Energy Blockages

We use tuning forks to dissolve the energy blocks in your bio-magnetic field.

Tool #3:  Trauma Removal

Effective Against:  Energy Blockages

We identify and eliminate trauma that is trapped in your body.  We also remove ancestral trauma, womb trauma, and birth trauma.

Tool #4:  Reiki

Effective Against:  Energy Blockages

We channel Universal Energy into your body to dissolve blockages and energize your body, so that it can heal itself.

Tool #5:  Spirit Removal

Effective Against:  Spirit Attachments

We enlist the help of Archangel Michael to remove spirit attachments from clients.

(We offer this as a free service to both human clients and earth-bound spirits that are guided to us.)

The best part? All of these techniques can be performed remotely, while you remain in the comfort of your own home.

Improvements You May Experience

When the above Techniques are applied to the above Forces, you may experience improvements in the following areas:

Physically – Your physical body’s self-healing ability can be activated, resulting in better health and more energy.

Emotionally – You may feel more calm, and less bothered by people and things that used to bother you.

Mentally – You may feel more mental clarity as your mind chatter subsides, allowing you to regain focus on your goals with a sharper mind.

Spiritually – As blockages and programming are removed, your consciousness can expand to higher levels.

While we cannot guarantee results, these are some of the changes our clients have reported after as little as one session:

  • Feeling Happier and lighter
  • Better relationships (with family, friends, co-workers)
  • Feeling more abundant, seeing wealth manifest
  • Better personal boundaries, higher self-esteem, more self-love
  • More able to give and receive love
  • More creativity, focus, productivity, motivation
  • More inner peace and tranquility
  • Better able to deal with life’s problems
  • Finally progressing in life after long periods of “stuckness”

The 3 Phases of Healing

Phase 1 – From “meh” to “better“. Client feels noticeably better, e.g. calmer, happier, lighter. May observe improvement in one or more areas in life (you can define the areas you want to work on).

Phase 2 – From “better” to “OK”. Client feels neutral or “alright” on a regular basis, and should observe significant improvement in one or more areas in life.

Phase 3 – From “OK” to “great”. Client feels great on a regular basis, as their life continues to improve.

Maintenance Stage – After Phase 3 is complete, a client will no longer need regular sessions.  The client may still ask for occasional “touch-up” sessions.

Our goal is to get you to the Maintenance Stage in as few sessions as possible, to save you time & money.


5 Reasons to Choose Us

Reason #1: See Results – or Your Money Back!

We offer a money-back guarantee: If you don’t feel a difference after x sessions, you receive a full refund. No questions asked.

The number “x” will vary from person to person. We will tell you what this number is before the end of our first session.

Reason #2: You Decide What You Want to Change

Are you wanting to improve a relationship? Improve your health? Feel lighter and happier? Have a more successful career or business?

You tell us what changes you want to see in your life, and we’ll aim to make them happen.

Reason #3: 2 Practitioners, 5 Skills

Between Clara and I, we’ve mastered 5 skills/modalities. Multiple tools to dissolve your issues from different angles – to achieve effective results. (We may even both apply healing to you simultaneously – to save you time and get you results quicker.)

Reason #4: No Commitment Required

Only pay for one session at a time, and stop whenever you wish, while enjoying full benefits from all previous sessions. We won’t try to talk you into getting more sessions – that’s not our style.

Reason #5: Reasonable & Simple Pricing

We wish to help as many people as we can by keeping our prices affordable. And we keep our pricing structure simple and transparent to avoid surprises.

No matter where you are, chances are your life CAN get better – and it’s easier than you may think.

Your life can be so much more than what it is now.

We look forward to hearing from you!

With Much Appreciation,

Amy & Clara