Side Effects and Contraindications

Energy healing does not have negative side effects – physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

However, please be aware that an energy session can trigger temporary detox symptoms.

What Causes Detox Symptoms?

During an energy session, stress and trauma is lifted, which will increase your energy frequency. This can trigger your body to release toxins. Energy sessions can also trigger emotional releases that can continue after the session.

What Are the Detox Symptoms?

Here are the most common detox symptoms from energy sessions:

  • Mild tiredness/sleepiness (this is the most common detox symptom reported by our clients)
  • Flu-like symptoms (running nose, fatigue/exhaustion, headaches, dizziness, diarrhea)
  • Emotional release (through tears or being angry for example)
  • In very rare cases: Mucus, fevers, excessive thirst, skin rashes, vomiting

How Long Do Detox Symptoms Last?

Generally, detox symptoms should pass within 1-3 days.

What to Do to Feel Better?

Staying hydrated will help your body to get rid of the toxins more quickly effectively. Getting plenty of rest, both physically and mentally/emotionally, will help energize your body to minimize the impact of the detoxing. Taking an epsom salt bath will help in a similar way. Please see this page for more tips on self-care.

If you’re feeling negative emotions being stirred up, it can be because those emotions are coming up to the surface, ready to be released. Simply be aware of them – observe them quietly and stay with them until they pass. Try to minimize negative thoughts, and avoid dwelling on negative memories – otherwise you could create additional trauma for yourself. After the negative emotions have passed, turn your attention to something that makes you feel good.

Biofield Tuning Contraindications

Reiki does not have any known contraindications. However, Biofield Tuning does, and here’s a list of them:

  • Cancer
  • Terminal Illness
  • Pregnancy
  • Pacemaker or other implanted medical devices (vibrations from tuning forks can interfere)
  • Fresh concussions from within 6 months
  • Morbid Obesity

This is why, when you ask for the initial free energy scan, we ask whether you have any of the above conditions. If you do, we’ll make sure to avoid Biofield Tuning and use other modalities instead.