Scientific Studies on Energy Healing

More and more people are recognizing the power of energy healing. The scientific world is starting to conduct more research into alternative healing modalities including energy healing. Increasingly more hospitals are enlisting the help of reiki practitioners in operating rooms.

All of which are very good news for mankind as a whole, methinks!

I’ve collected some research papers that support the effectiveness of energy healing. This list will grow as more research of this type is conducted, and as I find more time to add to the list.

Personal Interaction with a Reiki Practitioner Decreases Noise-Induced Microvascular Damage in an Animal Model

Conclusions: [Reiki] could be useful for minimizing effects of environmental stress on research animals and hospital patients.”

Reiki Is Better Than Placebo and Has Broad Potential as a Complementary Health Therapy

“This study reviews the available clinical studies of Reiki to determine whether there is evidence for Reiki providing more than just a placebo effect.”

“Of the 13 suitable studies, 8 demonstrated Reiki being more effective than placebo, 4 found no difference but had questionable statistical resolving power, and only one provided clear evidence for not providing benefit.”

The Effect of Reiki on Pain: A Meta-Analysis

Objective: [T]he aim of this meta-analysis was to investigate the effect of Reiki on pain level.”

Conclusion: Consequently, this meta-analysis revealed that Reiki was an effective approach in relieving the pain.”

A Large-Scale Effectiveness Trial of Reiki for Physical and Psychological Health

Conclusions: The results from this large-scale multisite effectiveness trial suggest that a single session of Reiki improves multiple variables related to physical and psychological health.”

Effect of Reiki Therapy on Pain and Anxiety in Adults: An In-Depth Literature Review of Randomized Trials with Effect Size Calculations

Conclusions: While the number of studies is limited, based on the size Cohen’s d statistics calculated in this review, there is evidence to suggest that Reiki therapy may be effective for pain and anxiety.”

Autonomic Nervous System Changes During Reiki Treatment: A Preliminary Study

Objectives: to investigate if a complementary therapy, Reiki, has any effect on indices of autonomic nervous system function.”

Conclusions: The study indicates that Reiki has some effect on the autonomic nervous system.”

Reiki Therapy for Pain, Anxiety and Quality of Life

“The current article indicates that Reiki therapy is useful for relieving pain, decreasing anxiety/depression and improving quality of life in several conditions.”

Reiki Therapy for Symptom Management in Children Receiving Palliative Care: A Pilot Study

“This preliminary work suggests that complementary methods of treatment such as Reiki may be beneficial to support traditional methods to manage pain and anxiety in children receiving palliative care.”

Biofield Therapies for Symptom Management in Palliative and End-Of-Life Care

“Evidence from studies on relevant populations (patients with cancer, elderly patients, and patients experiencing chronic pain), which addressed the outcomes relevant to palliative and EOL care (EOLC; pain levels, changes in psychological symptoms, well-being, and QOL), supports the use of biofield therapies in relieving pain, improving QOL and well-being, and reducing psychological symptoms of stress.”

The Effects of Reiki Therapy on Pain and Anxiety in Patients Attending a Day Oncology and Infusion Services Unit

“Overall, the sessions were felt helpful in improving well-being, relaxation, pain relief, sleep quality and reducing anxiety. Offering Reiki therapy in hospitals could respond to patients’ physical and emotional needs.”

Effects of Distant Reiki On Pain, Anxiety and Fatigue in Oncology Patients in Turkey: A Pilot Study

Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that Reiki may decrease pain, anxiety and fatigue in oncology patients.”

Pilot Crossover Trial of Reiki Versus Rest for Treating Cancer-Related Fatigue

“Fatigue on the FACT-F decreased within the Reiki condition (P=.05) over the course of all 7 treatments. In addition, participants in the Reiki condition experienced significant improvements in quality of life (FACT-G) compared to those in the resting condition (P <.05). On daily assessments (ESAS) in the Reiki condition, presession 1 versus postsession 5 scores indicated significant decreases in tiredness (P <.001), pain (P <.005), and anxiety (P<.01), which were not seen in the resting condition.”

Reiki for Pain During Hemodialysis: A Feasibility and Instrument Evaluation Study

Conclusions: Findings suggest Reiki provides symptom relief for individuals receiving hemodialysis, and randomized clinical trials to establish Reiki’s pain benefits in this population are warranted.”

Effects of Reiki on Pain, Anxiety, and Blood Pressure in Patients Undergoing Knee Replacement: A Pilot Study

“Of the 3 groups, Reiki, Sham Reiki, and Standard of Care, only the Reiki group showed significant reductions in pain, blood pressure, respiration rate, and state anxiety, which provides evidence for a full-scale clinical study.”

Use of Complementary Therapies in Hospice and Palliative Care

“Over the course of 1 year, 114 massage sessions were provided to 52 different patients, all of which included Reiki. After completion of these sessions, patients were evaluated for changes in symptoms such as pain reduction, ease in breathing, stress/anxiety reduction, and increased relaxation, with the results being predominantly beneficial.”

Reiki: A Complementary Therapy for Life

“Tom was diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer and received only palliative radiation and medication. At the time of diagnosis, his symptoms suggested that he had a very limited life expectancy. With the Reiki and his intent, he was able to achieve his goal of long-term stability with freedom from immobilizing pain and swelling. Tom’s comfort and quality of life improved dramatically, and he is living well with his cancer. Reiki has been associated with dramatic results for many patients. The importance of the patient’s intent during Reiki treatments cannot be overemphasized. Some general trends seen with Reiki include: periods of stabilization in which there is time to enjoy the last days of one’s life; a peaceful and calm passing if death is imminent; and relief from pain, anxiety, dyspnea and edema. Reiki is a valuable complement in supporting patients in their end-of-life journey, enhancing the quality of their remaining days.”

The Power of Reiki: Feasibility and Efficacy of Reducing Pain in Children With Cancer Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

Conclusions: This study demonstrates the feasibility of using Reiki therapy in pediatric cancer patients undergoing HSCT. Furthermore, these findings evidence that trained pediatric oncology nurses can insert Reiki into their clinical practice as a valid instrument for diminishing suffering from cancer in childhood.”

Effects of Reiki on Anxiety, Depression, Pain, and Physiological Factors in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

“Significant differences were observed between the experimental and treatment groups on measures of pain, depression, and anxiety; no changes in heart rate and blood pressure were noted.”

Immediate Symptom Relief After a First Session of Massage Therapy or Reiki in Hospitalized Patients: A 5-Year Clinical Experience From a Rural Academic Medical Center

Conclusions: Reiki and massage clinically provide similar improvements in pain, nausea, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and overall well-being while reiki improved fatigue and anxiety more than massage therapy in a heterogeneous hospitalized patient population.”

Effects of Reiki on Post-cesarean Delivery Pain, Anxiety, and Hemodynamic Parameters: A Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial

“Results showed that Reiki application reduced the intensity of pain, the value of anxiety, and the breathing rate, as well as the need for and number of analgesics.”

“Reiki application as a nursing intervention is recommended as a pain and anxiety-relieving method in women after cesarean delivery.”

Effectiveness of Spiritist Passe (Spiritual Healing) on the Psychophysiological Parameters in Hospitalized Patients

“Spiritual healing, or Spiritist passe (SP), is a kind of laying on of hands (LOH), and therefore is a biofield therapy.”

“The current research team has concluded that the SP was effective in promoting a state of muscle relaxation, reducing anxiety and depression, decreasing muscle tension, and, consequently, raising the perceptions of wellness in hospitalized patients.”

An Exploratory Study of Reiki Experiences in Women Who Have Cancer

Conclusion: Findings suggest that reiki could be a beneficial tool in the self-management of quality of life issues for women who have cancer.”

Using Reiki to Manage Pain: A Preliminary Report

“Pain was measured using both a visual analogue scale (VAS) and a Likert scale immediately before and after the Reiki treatment. Both instruments showed a highly significant (p < 0.0001) reduction in pain following the Reiki treatment.”

The Effects of Yoga, Massage, and Reiki on Patient Well-Being at a Cancer Resource Center

Findings:  […] Reiki reduced the pain of patients with cancer to a greater extent than either massage or yoga.”

Reiki’s Effect on Patients With Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Pilot Study

Results: All Reiki therapy sessions resulted in statistically significant reductions in pain, except those sessions in the PACU [i.e. postanesthesia care unit].”

Symptomatic Improvement Reported After Receiving Reiki at a Cancer Infusion Center

Conclusion: Reiki results in a broad range of symptomatic benefits, including improvements in common cancer-related symptoms.”

Endoscopic Procedure With a Modified Reiki Intervention: A Pilot Study

“Although the experimental group patients had more symptoms, they did not require additional pain medication during the procedure, suggesting that (1) anxious people may benefit from an adjunctive therapy; (2) anxiety and pain are decreased by Reiki therapy for patients undergoing colonoscopy, and (3) additional intraprocedure pain medication may not be needed for colonoscopy patients receiving Reiki therapy.”

The Effect of Reiki on Pain and Anxiety in Women With Abdominal Hysterectomies: A Quasi-Experimental Pilot Study

“A quasi-experimental design was used in which the experimental group (n = 10) received traditional nursing care plus three 30-minute sessions of Reiki, while the control group (n = 12) received traditional nursing care. The results indicated that the experimental group reported less pain and requested fewer analgesics than the control group. Also, the experimental group reported less state anxiety than the control group on discharge at 72 hours postoperation.”

Is Reiki or Prayer Effective in Relieving Pain During Hospitalization for Cesarean? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Conclusion: Evidence with a high risk of bias suggested that reiki and prayer meditation might be associated with pain reduction.”

Reiki as a Pain Management Adjunct in Screening Colonoscopy

“Results from this pilot study suggest that there may be a decrease in meperidine needed during screening colonoscopy when patients receive Reiki treatments before the procedure.”

Benefits of Reiki Therapy for a Severely Neutropenic Patient With Associated Influences on a True Random Number Generator

“Statistically significant relationships were documented between Reiki therapy, a quieting of the electronically created white noise of the RNG [i.e. random number generator] during healing sessions, and improvement in the patient’s ANC [i.e. absolute neutrophil count].”

Educate, Try, and Share: A Feasibility Study to Assess the Acceptance and Use of Reiki as an Adjunct Therapy for Chronic Pain in Military Health Care Facilities

Results: Repeated measures ANOVA [i.e. analysis of variance] analyses showed that there was significant decrease (P < 0.001) in present, average, and worst pain over the course of the six sessions with the most significant effect occurring up to the fourth session.”

Conclusion: A 30-minute Reiki session, performed by a trained Reiki practitioner, is feasible in an outpatient setting with possible positive outcomes for participants who are willing to try at least four consecutive sessions. Reiki has the ability to impact a variety of types of pain as well as positively impacting those activities of life that pain often interferes with.”

Perceived Relaxation as a Function of Restorative Yoga Combined With Reiki for Cancer Survivors

“A comparison of subjects receiving concurrent Reiki (19) and restorative yoga with those who only received restorative yoga (7) showed that Reiki subjects experienced greater perceived depth of relaxation than subjects who were not afforded the Reiki intervention.”

The Effects of Reiki Therapy and Companionship on Quality of Life, Mood, and Symptom Distress During Chemotherapy

“Reiki was rated relaxing with no side effects. Reiki and companion groups reported improvements in quality of life and mood that were greater than those seen in the usual care group. Interventions during chemotherapy, such as Reiki or companionship, are feasible, acceptable, and may reduce side effects.”

A Canadian Experience of Integrating Complementary Therapy in a Hospital Palliative Care Unit

Results: Data analysis (n=31) showed a significant decrease in severity of pain, anxiety, low mood, restlessness, and discomfort (p<0.01, 95% confidence interval); significant increase in inner stillness/peace (p<0.01, 95% confidence interval); and convincing narratives on an increase in comfort. The evaluation by staff was positive and encouraged continuation of the program.”

Effects of Reiki on Pain and Vital Signs When Applied to the Incision Area of the Body After Cesarean Section Surgery: A Single-Blinded, Randomized, Double-Controlled Study

“The Reiki group was observed to use fewer analgesics throughout the study and to need them after a longer time than the sham Reiki and control groups (P < .05). It was concluded that Reiki applied for 15 minutes to the incision area after a cesarean operation had the expected effects on pain and the need for the use of analgesics, but it had no effect on vital signs.”

Reiki Training for Caregivers of Hospitalized Pediatric Patients: A Pilot Program

“Seventeen of the 18 families agreed to participate. Most families (65%) attended three Reiki training sessions, reporting that Reiki benefitted their child by improving their comfort (76%), providing relaxation (88%), and pain relief (41%).”

A Large Cross-Sectional, Descriptive Study of Self-Reports After Biofield Therapy in Japan: Demography, Symptomology, and Circumstances of Treatment Administration

“Of the analyzed participants, 69.7%, 67.5%, and 71.2% reported an improvement in the severity of physical pain, palpitation/dizziness, and anxiety/depression, respectively.”

Biological Correlates of Reiki Touch(sm) Healing

Conclusions: These findings suggest both biochemical and physiological changes in the direction of relaxation.”

Massage and Reiki Used to Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Randomized Clinical Trial

Method: clinical tests randomly done in parallel with an initial sample of 122 people divided into three groups: Massage + Rest (G1), Massage + Reiki (G2) and a Control group without intervention (G3).”

Conclusion: Massage + Reiki produced better results amongst the groups […]”

Reiki Reduces Burnout Among Community Mental Health Clinicians

Results: Reiki was statistically significantly better than sham Reiki in reducing burnout among community mental health clinicians (p=0.011).”

A Phase II Trial of Reiki for the Management of Pain in Advanced Cancer Patients

“This trial compared pain, quality of life, and analgesic use in a sample of patients with cancer pain (n=24) who received either standard opioid management plus rest (Arm A) or standard opioid management plus Reiki (Arm B).”

“Participants in Arm B experienced improved pain control on Days 1 and 4 following treatment, compared to Arm A, and improved quality of life, but no overall reduction in opioid use.”

In Vitro Effect of Reiki Treatment on Bacterial Cultures: Role of Experimental Context and Practitioner Well-Being

Conclusions: Reiki improved growth of heat-shocked bacterial cultures in a healing context. The initial level of well-being of the Reiki practitioners correlates with the outcome of Reiki on bacterial culture growth and is key to the results obtained.”

Integrative Reiki for Cancer Patients: A Program Evaluation

Results: Of the 213 pre-post surveys of first-time sessions in the evaluation period, we observed a more than 50% decrease in self-reported distress (from 3.80 to 1.55), anxiety (from 4.05 to 1.44), depression (from 2.54 to 1.10), pain (from 2.58 to 1.21), and fatigue (from 4.80 to 2.30) with P < .001 for all.”

Conclusions: An integrative Reiki volunteer program shows promise as a component of supportive care for cancer patients.”

The Effect of Preoperative Reiki Application on Patient Anxiety Levels

Conclusion: The results of this study imply that the administration of Reiki is effective in controlling preoperative anxiety levels and in preventing them from increasing.”

Using Reiki to Decrease Memory and Behavior Problems in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer’s Disease

Results: Results indicated statistically significant increases in mental functioning (as demonstrated by improved scores of the AMMSE) and memory and behavior problems (as measured by the RMBPC) after Reiki treatment.”

Implementation of a Volunteer Reiki Program at an Academic Medical Center in the Midwest

Conclusions: The authors presented the results that were consistent with research findings from the literature review suggesting that Reiki can decrease pain, general discomfort, anxiety, insomnia, and nausea.”

The Impact of Reiki on Side Effects in Patients With Head-Neck Neoplasia Undergoing Radiotherapy: A Pilot Study

Conclusion: The study shows how the Reiki treatment benefits patients in most cases, with both psychological support to help deal with the therapeutic process together with integrated support towards pain therapy.”

Energy Therapies in Advanced Practice Oncology: An Evidence-Informed Practice Approach

“Findings indicate a positive benefit for oncology patients in the realms of pain, quality of life, fatigue, health function, and mood.”

Reiki Research Study Summaries on The Center for Reiki Research Website (need to register to access – registration is free)

Research papers on Sound Therapy from