The Importance of Self-Care

Clara and I will always do all we can to remove existing energy blocks – but YOU are the only one that can stop creating new ones!

An entire encyclopedia can be written on how to live happily. But as someone who has lived through decades of depression and eventually guided myself to a state of being joyful 80% of the time (and doing better all the time!), I feel that by sharing some of what I’ve learned may help you.

(Disclaimer: I am not a health professional, and am therefore not qualified to give professional advice. I’m only sharing what I have found to work for myself personally. One size does not fit all, so when in doubt, please consult with your physician or therapist for a professional opinion.)

Maintain Good Physical Health

It’s important to take care of yourself physically. Eat right, exercise regularly, stay hydrated, and allow yourself to get enough rest. Our physical bodies are so closely connected to our emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, that it would be hard to be happy if our physical body isn’t operating at optimal levels.

Guide Your Thoughts

Thoughts have energy too! And negative thoughts can cause negative emotions which will become energy blocks.

It isn’t easy, but if you get into the habit of catching yourself when you’re having thoughts that make you uncomfortable – angry, disappointed, guilty, frustrated, hateful, sad, etc. – and guide your thoughts in a direction that makes you feel increasingly better, you will soon see all aspects of your life improve in front of your eyes.

Note that this is different from suppressing your thoughts and feelings! What I’m talking about is the practice of reaching for that next thought that will make you feel just a little better than your current one.

Do a bit of that every day, and eventually it will become a habit.

You will feel better and better about every subject that used to bother you – until they stop bothering you altogether.

Stop Doing Stuff That Doesn’t Make You Feel Good

Watching or reading the news is a big one. Oh I still read the news a little bit from time to time, enough to know what’s going on in general, but I don’t put my focus there.

I’ve had lots of people tell me I’m selfish for not wanting to know what’s going on in the world, or that I’m fooling myself into believing only in the good by ignoring the bad. But it doesn’t bother me, because I know what it is that I want, and the energetic influence I’m putting out into the world.

I know there are bad things happening in the world, and I keep my doors locked and take other safety precautions just like everyone else. But putting my focus on the bad and condemning it will not result in improvement. Whereas focusing on the good WILL. That’s how the law of attraction works.

Even if only 1% of everything that happens is good, with the other 99% being bad, I would still choose to focus on the 1% of goodness, so I can remain a beacon of light and create a piece of heaven on earth.

Another thing that makes me feel “off” is criticizing/gossiping about others in a negative way. Sure, some people deserved it and had it coming, but by judging others I make myself feel bad. So I’ve reduced this to a minimum (yes I still catch myself doing it now and then, but getting there!)

Also, I see a lot of people being stuck in jobs they don’t like because they feel they can’t get a better one, or are scared at the thought of having to switch careers etc. I know all about the uncertainly and the stress associated with a career change – feel free to ask me about this when we meet.

It always helps to guide your thoughts about your current job so that you feel better about it. Doing so will help you to start attracting more desirable career opportunities.

And it’s never too late to change your career. Yes it takes a lot of work and a lot of faith and courage, but life is about adapting to changes, and if you’re not happy where you are, then start taking small steps to head in the right direction.

It may not even take switching careers to make you happy. It may just be a particular colleague or your boss that’s giving you a hard time, in which case just getting a job elsewhere may be the solution. Word of caution here is that stuff like inter-personal relationship issues can be a part of your energy which can follow you from job to job, so it’s important that you change the way you feel about your current job and colleagues, instead of just being in a hurry to leave. Guide your thoughts – forgive and appreciate these people even if they don’t deserve it. Do it for yourself, not them.

Once you’ve improved your energy, the situation will change, one way or another.

The same applies if you feel that you’re having to do what you don’t like just to please your partner/mate. Start asking whatever it is that YOU want and don’t cater to the other person constantly. Learn to speak your mind more. You are important too!

At the same time, try to guide your thoughts on various topics relevant to this person, and you’ll feel better, which will in turn change your energy. Again, forgiveness and appreciation is important, even if they don’t deserve it. If the relationship is toxic and you need to get out, minimizing negative emotions by guiding your thoughts will ease the transition. And if the relationship can still be salvaged, then maybe a change of perspective is all it will need to make things better.

Self-love is way underrated, and is ultra-important. It’s almost a common denominator we’ve observed in clients that have the most issues/blockages. Please – start treating yourself right and don’t count on other people to love you, as you can and should love yourself first and foremost! Only if you can put yourself first, will you be able to live joyfully, and as a “side-effect”, you’d also be attracting love and respect from other people as well.

Start Doing More of What Makes You Happy

Are there hobbies and passions you’ve put on the backburner, thinking “I’ll pick them up again after I retire”? If you’re not happy right now then nothing else matters much. Consider taking on fewer obligations to find time to do what you enjoy, right now!

Money is tight you say? There are plenty of things you can do that won’t break the bank.

Going out for walks at the park to get fresh air and sunshine is completely free!

Taking a long soak in the tub is also free! And if you have cash to spend, get some epsom salts and put in 1-2 cups. This stuff is cheap and does wonders in clearing negative energy. If you like candles they only cost a buck or two from the dollar store. I also like to enjoy some snacks while I’m in there. I swear – nobody can come out of a bath without feeling even marginally better!

Doing something special for a loved one can also be enjoyable! If making other people happy brings you joy, sign yourself up for volunteer work, or just perform random acts of kindness (google “random acts of kindness ideas” and you’ll find a ton).

If you enjoy traveling but money is tight, how about making short trips to places close to where you live? Many people are so busy planning vacations to other countries, they haven’t even had a chance to fully explore their own.

Do you like watching movies? A Netflix subscription and popcorn is very affordable, and setting aside an entire weekend to binge-watch tv series is something everyone deserves once in a while!

I’ll stop here. There are so many interesting things we could be doing in life that would make us happy. We just have to take on fewer obligations and allow ourselves to have more fun.

Improve Your Connection with the Source

Knowing that I’m never alone, and that my life has a purpose, and that I’m always guided to do what’s best for the highest of good, has done miracles to the level of joy I have and the appreciation I have for everything.

All is one. The entire Universe (and beyond) is one energy. On some level, we know why we’re here and what our purpose is – many of us have simply forgotten. We always remember each time after we die – as is described in books by Dr. Brian Weiss, Dolores Cannon, and many others.

And in order to remember all this while we’re still alive, reading books on the topic will help. But more importantly, connecting to the Source (aka the Universe, the Greater Consciousness) will give us the same knowing – and in addition, will provide us with real-time guidance by inspiring us what steps to take and when to take them.

Meditating daily helps a ton in strengthening this connection. Staying in joy as often as possible helps immensely as well. Just doing these two things have helped me to “stay in the flow” in recent years. Everything becomes way more effortless, “coincidences” happen all the time, and things would just come together like pieces of a puzzle with less work. When the time is right for me to take certain actions, I would feel inspired to take them.

Guidance would come from deceased loved ones, spirit guides, and my higher-self. Knowing that I can always count on that guidance being there takes the stress out of life. It’s like having a GPS that helps me to navigate through the uncertainties of life.

So my advice would be to 1)try to feel good as much as you can, and 2)meditate daily for at least 10-15 minutes. Do these two things for a month or two and see everything around you change for the better!