How SRT Works

SRT, or Spiritual Response Therapy, is one of the most powerful healing modalities we specialize in. Some highlights:

  • SRT can be used to heal BOTH present-life AND past-life issues.
  • SRT can heal trauma without requiring you to recall unpleasant memories (which can re-traumatize you).
  • SRT doesn’t require you to do anything. The healing is done while you carry on with everyday life as usual.

What is SRT

SRT is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with positive, beneficial ideas and beliefs.

You may not know this, but 95% of your decisions are made by your subconscious mind.1

And on average, we make an estimated 35,000 decisions daily.2

And because your decisions are what drive your thoughts and actions, to shape every area in your life, it means that your subconscious is largely responsible for what your life looks like right now, and what it will probably continue to look like in the future.

Therefore, if you can change your subconscious mind, you can drastically change your life.

And SRT can reprogram your subconscious mind. It does that by:

  • Removing blockages to positive soul qualities (e.g. love, faith, courage, joy) to help you express them more.
  • Eliminating blockages in different areas of your life for smoother-sailing (e.g. relationships, health, career, money, life meaning).
  • Expanding your consciousness to accelerate your spiritual growth.
  • Deactivating negative motivators that are driving your actions (e.g. anxiety, appeasement, bitterness, fear, guilt, self-punishment).
  • Neutralizing negative energies from your present-life and past-life experiences (e.g. anger and resentment from having been betrayed by a loved one in a past life).
  • Revoke destructive vows you’ve made in past lifetimes that are still controlling your current life (e.g. vows of poverty that are blocking you from financial well-being; vows of celibacy that are preventing from enjoying intimacy).
  • Uprooting deeply-ingrained, damaging beliefs (e.g. that we aren’t good/worthy enough; that we are eternally damned by God).

And much more!

Benefits of SRT

SRT can improve your life in so many ways – below are just a few:

  • Allow you to make better decisions that will help to create the life you want.
  • Improve your point of attraction so you’ll finally start attracting what you desire (law of attraction at work).
  • Improve your relationship with specific people. We can clear the discordant energies between you and them – which may have been created in past lifetimes between you – so you can both “turn over a new leaf” and start fresh.
  • Help you to break free from old patterns, allowing you to feel more joyful, lighter, and more optimistic in general.
  • Accelerate your spiritual growth.

How is SRT Performed?

We connect with your High Self and communicate with them using a pendulum and a number of proprietary charts. (Your High Self is a high-level spiritual being that provides divine and intuitive guidance and support to you as you navigate through life – some call it the “super-conscious”.)

Your High Self guides the pendulum to identify items on the charts that need to be cleared/changed. Then we request for your High Self to do the clearing or make the change. Your High Self will let us know when it’s finished – and we move to the next item and so on.

SRT sessions can be done remotely, as we can connect to your High Self no matter where you’re located. We can even connect with souls that have transitioned (i.e. passed away) to perform clearings, so that they can reincarnate to an “easier” place than planet Earth. In some cases they wouldn’t even need to reincarnate anymore – such is the power of SRT.

How Will I Feel While Receiving SRT?

You may feel some tiredness/sleepiness during and/or after an SRT session, which may last up to several days afterwards. You may also feel other energy detox symptoms as described here.


