How Emotional Trauma Removal Works

We can instruct your High Self to remove emotional trauma, WITHOUT asking you to recall trauma experiences that can re-traumatize you.

What is Emotional Trauma? What Causes It? How Can It Affect Me?

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How does Emotional Trauma Removal Work?

The method we use is inspired by the MAT method (metaphysical anatomy technique), but has been heavily changed to adapt to our healing system.

We focus on removing trauma from your current lifetime, including womb, birth, and childhood trauma, as well as trauma you’ve experienced as an adult. Ancestral trauma can also be removed.

We work with your High Self to remove trauma in 3 ways:

1)First, we ask your High Self to heal as much of the trauma as they can, without help from us.

(Note: Your High Self is a high-level spiritual being that provides divine and intuitive guidance and support to you as you navigate through life – some call it the “super-conscious”.)

2)Then, we ask your High Self to identify each layer of trapped emotions, and the instincts that are triggered, using a pendulum.

Example: If a past event caused a lot of fear in you, you may have multiple layers of “afraid” that may trigger the instincts of “running away” and “hiding”.

After the emotion and instincts are identified, your High Self would then be able to heal these layers of trauma.

3)Sometimes we need to identify the causes of a traumatic experience before your High Self can heal the trauma. It’s as though your soul needs its story to be heard in order to release the trauma. This is where we get creative and ask all kinds of questions. An example:

“Is there womb trauma that is ready to be healed?” – High Self replies “yes”.

“Did the fetus feel loved by the mother?” – High Self replies “no”.

“Is this enough for you to clear the trauma?” – High Self replies “no”.

“Do we need to identify the corresponding emotions and instincts?” – High Self replies “yes” and proceeds to point out using the pendulum, the emotion of “unworthy” and the instinct of “running away”. We then ask your High Self to heal this emotion and instinct.

Benefits of Emotional Trauma Removal

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What Does Emotional Trauma Removal Feel Like?

Our clients report feeling happier, calmer and lighter after each session.

They would tell us that physical issues that had been caused by the emotional trauma were now gone, or have reduced in severity.

Occasionally, clients would feel some temporary detox symptoms as described here.