Although Clara and I provide 100% customized sessions that are tailored to the individual client for a fee, we’ve also made it our quest to serve as many people in the world as possible – and providing help for free is the only way to achieve such scale.
We humbly offer the following gifts to you – please feel free to share these with family and friends that you feel may benefit as well!
1)Receive Free Reiki Energy
I bought a wooden box, decorated it, and gave it to Clara as a gift. Here’s what it looks like:

We’ve been writing names of our loved ones and friends on slips of paper, putting them in the box, then sending reiki energy to everyone 1-2 times per week.
As the box isn’t very big, it got filled to the brim very quickly. But still more people requested to be added – and we were soon inspired to a simple solution.
We decided to start a Facebook Group, allow ANYONE to join who wants to receive reiki energy, and send reiki to the group every week. (We even named the group “Clara’s Reiki Box”!)
Join our group now by clicking the button below – and allow Clara and I to bring more peace into your life.
2)Experience Free Full Energy Tuneups
Another idea we were guided to, is to produce videos of complete energy tune-ups and to make them available on youtube for free.
Each vid will be designed to target a specific issue. For example: Depression, Anxiety, Worry and Fear…even Procrastination and Money Block removal!
While giving each session, we use our intention to infuse energy into the video, so that anyone who will be watching it in the future, will receive the energy when they play it back.
(To ensure top-quality audio, we’ve invested in some state-of-the-art equipment, including 3D binaural microphones. We want you to feel as though you’re actually in the room with us!)
You can find these videos on our youtube channel. We’ve just started this project, but ultimately we’re planning on creating a large database of hundreds of videos that will cover every common physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issue that can affect humans. So please subscribe to that channel to be notified of each new video!