All of us want happiness. We want to give and receive love. We want to grow, achieve, accomplish.
We want to reach our fullest potential – by finding and following our life’s purpose.
And yet, most of us are feeling unfulfilled in one or more ways.
Something is holding us back, but we don’t know what it is.
If this describes you, then you’re meant to receive the message we’re about to deliver.
The Missing Link: The Energy Body
Most people know to take care of their physical body.
In stark contrast, most people are not taking proper care of their other half: Their Energy Body.

Your Energy Body is the part that holds your consciousness, and consists of Life Force Energy (also called “prana”, “chi” or “qi”), Chakras (energy centers), and Meridians (energy pathways).
Your Chakras would draw Life Force Energy from your surroundings, then distribute it throughout your body via the Meridians.

The Surprise
Chances are – if you’re like almost everyone we’ve come across – one or more of your Chakras are clogged or blocked.
Your life is being negatively affected by these energy blocks – while you’re scratching your head, wondering why your life isn’t going the way you want it to.
The Effects of Energy Blocks in Chakras
We all know that the physical body needs food, water, and air to survive.
There’s actually one more crucial thing we need: The Life Force Energy mentioned earlier.
This life force keeps our body nourished while we live, and leaves our body when we die.
When there are energy blocks in the Chakras, Life Force cannot flow smoothly through the body.
Like a clogged pipe, these blockages will cause an imbalance.
Which may in turn manifest as physical health conditions.
The good news is that if the blockages are removed in time, certain physical health conditions may be prevented.
And Physical Illnesses Aren’t the Half of It
In addition to physical illnesses, energy blocks can also cause issues on 3 other levels: Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual.
Here are just a few issues that can result from energy blocks:
-Feelings of “overwhelment”, frustration, stress, or being stuck and can’t move forward.
-Persistent financial issues, feelings of insecurity and uncertainty.
-Lack of concentration or focus, brain fog.
-Lack of sense of purpose (i.e. “why am I here?”), not knowing what to do in life.
-Lack of intuition, inspiration, creativity, imagination.
-Easily-triggered feelings of anger, depression, hatred, anxiety, impatience.
-Difficulty in making commitments and progressing towards goals.
-Tendency to procrastinate, doubt, and feeling unmotivated.
-Feelings of powerlessness. Low self-esteem. Wanting to please others just to be accepted, be loved, or to avoid conflict/confrontation. Not expressing or standing up for yourself.
-Inability to give / receive love; sexual / reproductive issues; a series of unsatisfying, unsuccessful relationships with the “wrong” people.
-Constant drama in life.
Removing the energy blocks can result in improvement of the issues above (and more).
What Causes Energy Blocks?
Based on our experience, here are the most common causes that we’ve seen in our clients:
1)Past events that have caused physical and/or emotional trauma.
2)Being too hung up on the ups and downs of life, by allowing oneself to feel negative consistently, for long periods of time.
The good news is that it’s NEVER too late to improve your energy, and therefore your life.
How to Remove Energy Blocks?
There are two major approaches to clearing energy blocks.
APPROACH #1: Do things to improve your physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual well-being.
-Eat right, exercise regularly, drink enough fluids, get adequate rest.
-Improve your connection with divinity / the Universe: e.g. By meditating, doing yoga, spending time in nature.
-Guide your thoughts from negative to positive, so you can feel better and better. (Listening to Abraham Hicks’ workshops should help greatly.)
-Do whatever else you can to feel better.
APPROACH #2: Change the energy DIRECTLY to dissolve the energy blocks. This is what we call “Energy Tune-ups”.
As Energy Workers, Clara and I have performed hundreds of these Energy Tune-ups to remove energy blocks and achieve energy balance for our family, friends, and clients, and we’d be honored to do the same for you.

How Energy Tune-ups Work
Clara specializes in an energy healing technique called Reiki, whereas I do Reiki as well as something called Biofield Tuning.
We prefer to work together when giving sessions to clients, as we complement each other very well.
Energy sessions can be given by us to you no matter where in the world you’re located, and we’ve observed the same improvements and effectiveness as in-person sessions.
Here is how each technique works – in a nutshell and in greatly-simplified terms.
How Biofield Tuning Works:
The energy body, like electricity, has a similar magnetic field that looks like a donut. We call this the “biofield”.

All your life experiences are stored magnetically in this field. Whenever you experienced some type of physical or emotional trauma – when you literally tied yourself into a knot – an energy knot would form in your energy field.
These knots, if unresolved, can continue to affect you in negative ways, by causing energy blocks in your energy body (and we’ve already talked about what unpleasant effects those can cause!)
When I perform biofield tuning on a client, I would run my tuning fork slowly through their biofield, find these knots, and dissolve them.

(For more information please see: How Biofield Tuning Works.)
How Reiki Works:
Reiki is a type of spiritual energy that can be channeled by the reiki practitioner into the body of the recipient, to dissolve energy blocks.
In a typical reiki session, we would place our hands on or over different parts of your body (which can be completely contact-free if you prefer), while channeling reiki into you.
On the outside, reiki doesn’t look very exciting. But profound changes can happen on an energetic level, that we and yourself may both experience.
(For more information please see: How Reiki Works.)
What an Energy Tune-Up Feels Like
Some experiences reported by our clients during and immediately after an energy session include:
- Feeling very relaxed and peaceful – some clients would fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
- Feeling empowered, optimistic and even excited about the future.
- Physical sensations such as heat/coldness, “tingliness”, the reduction or disappearance of existing aches and pains.
- Suppressed emotions coming to the surface as they are being released. (We always keep a box of tissue nearby in case that happens!)
For more information on what you can expect from an energy healing session with us, please see What to Expect and What Are the Benefits.
How We Can Help You
If ANY of the above resonates with you, then we’d invite you to receive some energy from us!
Between us, Clara and I have performed hundreds of sessions to date. We prefer to work together as we’ve seen outstanding results in some of the people we’ve worked on. Together, we create a synergy that can’t be achieved by either of us working alone.
There are 2 ways you can benefit from our energy work for free:
1)Receive Free Reiki Energy by joining our Facebook group, “Clara’s Reiki Box”! We send reiki energy remotely to everyone in this group a couple times per week. Allow Clara and I to bring more peace and alignment into your life. You can get more details here.
2)Experience Free Energy Sessions by watching our youtube videos! Since Clara and I only have so many hours a day for one-on-one sessions, we decided to produce videos of full energy sessions – each targeting a specific physical/emotional/mental issue – and make them available on youtube free-of-charge. Please get more details here.
Thank you so much for reading this all the way to the end, and we look forward to connecting with you!
Take the first step towards a more fulfilled life right now!
Namaste and lots of love,