What Are the Benefits

We are not legally allowed to make claims that we can diagnose, treat, or heal any physical, emotional, or physical conditions (please see our Disclaimer). However, here are some of the benefits reported by recipients of energy sessions (either reiki or biofield tuning or a combination thereof):

  • Feeling more relaxed, calmer, and more balanced in general. Reduced stress levels. More able to stay in the present, and have a more positive outlook on life.
  • Higher levels of physical energy. Improvement in chronic fatigue. Better sleep quality.
  • More motivated, less procrastination, becoming better at completing projects and achieving goals.
  • Healthier and more harmonious intimate/personal/interpersonal relationships. More willing to give and receive love – both to others and to self (the latter is ultra important!)
  • More creativity, more focus, heightened intuition. Enhanced memory and mental clarity.
  • Lesser degree of negative tendencies/emotions such as feelings of sadness, grief, depression, guilt, shame, resentment, anger, powerlessness, frustration, disappointment, worry, anxiety, and fear.
  • Ability to speak more smoothly and to express oneself more clearly. More able to say no when necessary.
  • Improvement in PTSD symptoms.

As for physical health benefits specifically – again I must refer to our Disclaimer – but I will quote this passage from William Lee Rand’s Reiki First and Second Degree Manual:

Reiki is both powerful and gentle. In its long history of use it has aided in helping to heal virtually every known illness and injury including life threatening problems like multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and cancer and well as skin problems, cuts, bruises, broken bones, headaches, colds, flu, sore throat, sunburn, fatigue, insomnia, and impotence. It is always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy. A session feels like a wonderful, glowing radiance and has many benefits for both client and practitioner, including positive states of consciousness and spiritual experiences.

-By William Lee Rand, in Reiki, The Healing Touch – First and Second Degree Manual

Personally, these are some of the physical improvements our clients have reported:

  • Reduction in or complete removal of pain (joint pain, back pain, headaches/migraines, arthritis, etc.)
  • Improvement in the effects of concussions and other physical trauma.
  • Improved motor functions. We had a client that came in on crutches, that ended up able to walk unsupported.

Having said all of that – every client is in a different situation so your mileage may vary. Please do find out What to Expect to make sure that you don’t come to us expecting miracles (although those do happen!), just to be disappointed with the results or overlook positive changes because you’re expecting something more drastic and instantaneous.