About Us

Hi! I’m Clara Sun. I would like to share with you my story.

I have a genetic condition where tumours would spontaneously form and grow along my nerves.  MRIs and surgical rooms were no stranger to me.

A few years back, the tumours in my spine worsened to the point where my left leg was practically crippled.  “Inoperable” – the doctors said. 

The constant pain was unimaginable and unbearable – and I was spiralling down into a dark, dark place. 

Thankfully, Amy Cheung introduced me to the teachings of Abraham Hicks. Over time, I was able to pick myself back up.  I figured: I can no longer walk.  The doctors can’t help me.  What do I have to lose?

I realized the importance of just being as happy as I could be – unconditionally, and to have faith that everything is always working out for me. 

Another turning point happened when I was diagnosed with a thyroid-related condition that required surgery. Due to complications, what would have been a 30-minute surgery, turned into a harrowing 5-hour ordeal. (I was out cold most of that time, but the surgeon and Amy – who by that time had become my life-partner – sure didn’t have fun!)

While I was still at the hospital, Amy received a spiritual message from the Universe that would eventually inspire her to learn energy healing (as she’ll tell you below). After observing the differences she was making in people’s lives, I was motivated to learn energy healing as well.

Since becoming a certified reiki practitioner, I’ve joined Amy in providing energy services to family, friends, and clients.

I am certified in Reiki as well as the Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) technique – the latter of which is extremely powerful and effective for a wide variety of issues. My credentials can be found here.

It is my hope to help as many souls as I can with my passion. I’m immensely grateful to have finally found my calling in this lifetime, and very much look forward to serving you.

Hi and welcome to our website! My name is Amy Cheung, and here’s my story.

While Clara was undergoing her thyroid surgery, I was beyond distraught from worrying, pacing back and forth and trying not to imagine what could be causing a 30-minute surgery to run past several hours.

Fortunately, all was well in the end. She was kept in the hospital for 3 days for observation.

On the third day, her best friends came to visit her. Afterwards I walked them out, and stayed outside for a few minutes to get some fresh air.

I was looking up into the night sky, when all of a sudden I “heard” this booming voice “speaking” to me. Not in the auditory sense of course, but it was so powerful that it may as well have been someone yelling into a loudspeaker right by my ear.

“The surgery could have gone much, much worse, if you two hadn’t been good people,” it said.

The voice continued:

“Stop chasing money. Focus on doing good.”

That message shook me to the core. At that time, I had been a full-time online marketer for over 15 years. After we came home from the hospital, I phased out a good portion of my online marketing business. I started to meditate more, read more books on spirituality, and was soon inspired to explore energy healing.

I became certified in biofield tuning, and started practicing on family and friends. As I gained experience I started seeing some amazing results.

I’ve had someone come on crutches, who was able to walk unsupported 2 days later.

I’ve had friends that come to me after long periods of depression, that left with faces glowing, hopeful and confident about the future.

I’ve worked on someone who seldom said a word his whole life, even to family, who after a few sessions was chatting with everyone and broke into song in front of me.

I’ve had a relative come in writhing from acute back pain who refused to go to the emergency room in spite of my insistence, because “they have never helped”, who felt so relaxed and energized (and pain-free) afterwards she bought groceries to cook us dinner.

Most importantly, after multiple healing sessions, I was able to help my dad – who had regressed into an ever-frustrated and temperamental man due to constant dizzy spells and just physical discomfort in general – back to being his old self.

By the time I started learning reiki, Clara had observed many of my biofield tuning sessions and was intrigued, so we took reiki classes together.

After she learned reiki we naturally started working together, and to our pleasant surprise, we noticed greater improvements in recipients than when I was working alone. We complemented each other so well that we now rarely perform a session without the other.

During a past life regression session, I found out that Clara and I were soulmates, and that we were meant to come together at this time to use energy to help as many people in the world as we can.

I am certified in the following healing modalities: SRT (Spiritual Response Therapy), Biofield Tuning, MAT (Metaphysical Anatomy Technique), and Reiki. My credentials can be found here.

If you have the financial means to pay for sessions that are customized just for you, that would be great! But even if you’re not yet financially abundant, or haven’t made up your mind about using our services, we provide 2 completely free ways for you to experience healing energy from us. For details please see the Free Gifts page.

We’re at your service and look forward to connecting with you!